Byrem's Extracurricular Character
Creation Page

Skip the Introduction

    I was inspired by the words of a novelist which said (in essence), "I created the characters and the story wrote itself...". Also in the past I had taken a personality test that intrigued me. Both have inspired this web site.
    The personality test had a series of questions that asked what we would do in a situation. Once we tallied the answers, you found out what kind of personality you had. Each type has a specific set of wants, needs, do's, and don'ts. I have decided to use this method to have a random rolling setup to determine what a character is like. This way I can create the Characters and let the characters act for themselves according to their own personality.

    This web site is designed to determine personality and history details about any character. I have found it handy for Non Player Characters (NPC), but Players might opt to use these charts if they feel bold enough to build and play different personalities.
    The background tables are to determine events and factors in a characters past. These can be brought up like "Skeletons in the Closet" (they can be beneficial as well) by a GM.
    For example: that black-sheep twin brother that is giving you a bad name. "Why does he do this to me?", you ask. Use these tables to find out this and or any other part of their background history.
    These charts start off by determining a shape. These shapes represent a type of personality. Each shape has needs and wants and they all respond differently to the same stimulus. Each shape has strengths as well as weaknesses. And some shapes do not get along with another shape well, while others do not get along with another of the same shape. One shape is not any better than another. They all have strengths and weaknesses which need to be rolled. If a strength or weakness is rolled twice, the GM may opt for a re-roll. Otherwise that just means that the strength or weakness is tremendously evident in the character's behavior.
    Everyone usually has a dominant shape along with a subordinate shape. So on the following charts, roll once to determine the dominant shape. Later you will roll for a subordinate shape.
    Roll on the following tables to find out which shape is the primary personality shape, and then roll for the secondary shapes. When that is completed, see the corresponding shape charts to determine the personality strengths and weaknesses that the character has.

    For these charts, you will need a set of percentage dice (1D100 or 2D10 of different colors) and a SIX sided Die.

    This web site will take you step by step via hyperlink to complete the personality creation process. At the end, the GM and the player need to answer several questions using the information that was just determined.


Please keep in mind, from these charts conflicts in character traits are possible. If any conflicts happen, then you may opt to re-roll the current trait.

Step 1:
--Print a copy of the extracurricular form to fill out the information.

Step 2: (Mainly for Non-Player Characters)
--Determine the Primary Shape of the personality. You may roll or choose the shape. Click on that shape in the following chart.
--Roll for FOUR strengths and THREE weaknesses.


Step 3: (Mainly for Non-Player Characters)
--Select Secondary shape. Click on the character's Primary Personality Shape that was just determined below to connect the chart. Then roll on the corresponding chart to determine the secondary shape. (This step will is at the end of the page of the primary shape). Each shape has a different likelyhood of possible secondary shapes.
--Roll for TWO strengths and ONE weakness.


Step 4: (This will be of the MOST interest to player characters)
--- Roll for details about the character's Family Details.

Step 5: (This will be of the MOST interest to player characters)
--- Roll for the details about families Work Background.

Step 6: (This will be of the MOST interest to player characters)
--- Roll for the Talents and Faults

Step 7: (Mainly for Non-Player Characters)
--- Roll for the Motives

Step 8: (For ALL characters)
--Fill in the necessary details (possibly with the Game Master). Answer the following questions for ideas that you might want to use as a starting point.

Step 9: Now that you know a little about how they feel and think, have fun playing these characters.

For an example of a character created by these rules, click here.

You may email me at with any comments or questions.
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This page was last updated on 04/2003.